What You Need To Know About Green Mussels, An Important Seafood Choice
When choosing a seafood dish, many people will opt for a firm, white-fleshed fish, such as cod, haddock, or salmon. However, there are many other great options for seafood, including green mussels. What are Green Mussels? Green mussels in New Zealand are a type of shellfish that are found in both fresh and salt water. They are usually brown but can be green in color. They have a smooth exterior and a firm interior. Green mussels have a meaty taste and are often used in dishes such as chowder or bisque. What are the Health Benefits of Green Mussels? A recent study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that green mussels are a good source of dietary antioxidant flavonoids. Antioxidants scavenge harmful byproducts of cellular metabolism and protect cells from damage caused by environmental stressors. The findings suggest that g New Zealand mussels may help to maintain health and reduce the risk of disease. Aside from their antioxidant properties, gr...