How To Choose The Right Mussels For Your Seafood Cookout

Mussels are a type of bivalve mollusk found in the sea, rivers, and lakes of Europe, New Zealand, and Asia. They are a popular seafood dish. This article about how to Choose The Right Mussels For Your Seafood Cookout What are Mussels? New Zealand Mussels are aquatic bivalves mollusks that have two hinged shells that are connected by a hinge. The left shell is smaller than the right shell and has a pointed end. The mussel feeds by filtering feed particles from the water and transferring them to its gills where they are taken in by the animal’s bloodstream. Mussels can be found all over the world in both fresh and salt water. They are an important part of the food chain as they filter out toxins from the water making it safe for other animals to drink. How are Mussels Eaten in New Zealand? Mussels are eaten fresh, cooked in a variety of ways, or processed into sauces, soups, and other dishes. Mussels are either bivalve mollusks or gastropods. Bivalves have two valves that open and close...